48 Hour Green Smoothie Challenge
Delicious smoothie recipes
that you will love!
48 Hour Green Smoothie Challenge
Delicious smoothie recipes
that you will love!
Do you want to feel more energy throughout your day? 
Do you feel like you need to work on your eating habits? 
Perhaps you need a kick start in the right direction? 
How about drink something that tastes amazing and is good for you?
Do you LOVE smoothies?
Then join me for the 48 Hour Green Smoothie Challenge!!!
  • Take the 48-hour challenge on your own time (fits into your busy schedule).
  •  All the amazing smoothie recipes are included (no extra internet searching required). 
  •  It’s totally FREE! 
The green smoothies aren’t meant to be a
total meal replacement.
The idea is to consume green smoothies as much as you want over a 48-hour time period. We suggest you start by swapping out one of your meals for a green smoothie. Breakfast is usually a great place to start.
During the Green Smoothie Challenge (GSC) you will be working up to consuming 4 glasses (1 Liter) per day. The recipes are a mixture of 60% organic fruit and 40% organic leafy greens with 2 cups of filtered water.
Think of the 48-hour GSC as a way to clean house. During the 48 hour time period your body will be working hard to clean out some of the toxic waste that has accumulated over the years. For that reason we suggest avoiding stimulants like coffee, wine and sugar during the 48-hour GSC period. 
It’s only 48 hours – you can do it!
Healthy, Well & Happy